Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Family Photo Day

In an effort to save money, I had my sister Mary come over on Sunday for dinner and to take our family pictures in front of our barn. No perfect photo shop Christmas cards going out this year, that's for sure... but that's okay, it's life. Getting all the kids to smile and look at the camera all at the same time was a joke... especially with a 1 year old. Plus, I had no patience for the wind that was blowing our hair EVERYWHERE. It was comedy and we laughed a lot.
I LOVE how all the kids individual pictures turned out though! They're super cute! I'll post them later.

 How many people does it take to get Will to smile?

 I'm trying to get William to smile in his individual picture... or just look at me at least. He wasn't having it.

 I'm taking pictures of the girls, and I think William is so glad he's done!
My family pictures are all done and Mary didn't want her's in front of our barn, so we went down to the river to see what else we could find.
Mary is scoping out the area for a good fall tree for her family shots. We totally laughed about the one on the right, I took a quick picture of her to see if this spot would be good. Nah, it wasn't.

 No luck on a spot down by the river. We walked back to Mary's Suburban and some of the cows had surrounded it. They were sticking their heads threw the open windows... some had licked other windows... Makayla stepped in cow shiz... so yeah, Mary was real impressed. lol.

Here is the best family photo we got of them... I think it's cute. :)

This was my favorite! Too cute!
Nate thought he'd tickle Mary for this one.

 Most of the herd had followed us, so the kids wanted to check them out.

 This cow let Taylee touch it's nose. Taylee is a natural with animals.

Nov 7, 2010