Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

I'm Registered for Half Marathon!

I did it... I'm in! About 10 years ago, I started running and have loved it ever since. I've ran lots and lots of races and have always wanted to run a half marathon... and then run a full marathon "someday". But that's what I always say, "Someday I'll do that". The last 5 years I've gotten out of the running crowd and have been doing my own thing on the treadmill (not to mention I've also been busy having 3 more kids in that time too). Well, I found a gal in my new ward that runs half marathons and is running the Ogden Half this weekend. I started running with her and her friends this week around the neighborhood. She mentioned they will be running the half marathon in Logan this August too, and I should run it with them. 
Having a group of girls to train with and run it with me is just the little nudge I needed. So I registered for it this morning and I'm so excited! It will be so awesome to cross the finish line and finally have accomplished a big goal that I've had for a long time. :)

May 16, 2013