Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Another Painting Day

After painting ALL day yesterday... I got all the white paint done in both bedrooms. I started painting again early this morning... I hoping to finish it today!

I got most of the lime green in Kalyssa's bedroom done before Willie woke up... then he wanted to help. :)

Then we moved on to the pink in Abbee's bedroom next. Will loves to paint... he was having a blast.

I was taking pictures of him so he wanted to take pictures too....

He took a picture of the twins crying cause I had to keep them away from the wet paint.

We have a wall of mirrors downstairs where we're putting the treadmill and other gym stuff when we buy some later... Will took a pic of himself... :)

...and the shop vac.

Will said, "Surprise!" to Kalyssa when she got home from school and saw the cute green walls in her room.

Apr 23, 2013