Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Weber County Fair 2010

 We spent the week at the Fair. It was our first year being involved since Baylee is now old enough to participate in the lamb show. It was a ton of fun being there with our friends, and their kids with their animals. They spent all summer helping each other feed and train their animals. Baylee had a lamb, but some of the other kids on our team had steers, hogs, cows, and lambs also.

Baylee in our barn with her lamb, Dusty, about a week before the Fair. We used this picture to put on her fliers to help promote herself for "boost" support. Boosts are basically cash donations given to Baylee from local businesses, family and friends. Anyone who wants to support Baylee and her efforts with her lamb for the Fair gives her a boost.
Aug 3, 2010

Tuesday night at the Fair, our team went in the Show Ring to practice one last time before the big lamb show in the morning.
Aug 10, 2010

Show Time!!! Baylee is lined up with all the other lambs in it's weight class to be judged. The judge in the yellow shirt is checking out Dusty's muscles and body while Baylee holds him.

She did it! Baylee took 1st place in her lamb's weight class. Then won Grand Champion in the Junior Showmanship! She got a belt buckle and a BIG ribbon for that one! Whew! ...was so exciting! All her hard work has paid off.

She is next to her poster we made where she hangs her ribbons along with her Grand Champion Showmanship bragging poster. All this is behind her lamb stall so people walking through the Fair can see what her and Dusty has accomplished together.

These are some of the lambs in our team, the Sideways Show Team.
They are the top 5 lambs in the Fair, and all together have won many ribbons and Grand Champion ribbons.
Bailee (2nd from left) won Grand Champion in Market Lamb (1st over-all), Karle (middle) won Reserve Champion (2nd over-all), Emilee (far right) won 3rd over-all, and our Baylee (far left) won 4th over-all.
These lambs all sold for big money at the Auction Saturday, cause they're the best meat, but most of all the businesses who buy the lambs don't want the meat they just dump lots of money into it to support the kids in participating in positive activities.

Our buddy, Bennett, puts his cool glasses on William.
Aug 11, 2010

Seeing all the excitement the day before, Kalyssa decided she wanted to show a heifer in the Pee Wee Dairy Show. Any age can participate in this event. This is her walking the heifer around the Show Ring during the show.

She had lots of fun, and was proud of her blue ribbon they gave all the kids who participated.
Aug 12, 2010

We ran into Stephanie, my BFF from High School, at the Fair Saturday.
Aug 14, 2010