Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Caramel Popcorn

I made caramel popcorn tonight for a treat, and I gave all the kids some in a bowl. Will had a few pieces then wanted a fork cause it was too messy to eat with his fingers. Who eats caramel popcorn with a fork??? 

Later I noticed Brandon doing the same thing. I guess I'm the only silly one who hasn't thought of using a fork. :)

Jan 31, 2012

Bath Time x 2

I put Paisley in the tub and Willie started taking off his pajamas too. I filled the rest of the tub for him to get in with her. Its their 1st bath together. Will helped me wash Paisley with the wash cloth.

Jan 30, 2012

A Bubble Beard

He figured out how to make a bubble beard on his face.

He spends all his time in the tub doing this instead of playing with his tractors.

Jan 24, 2012

Doing The Dishes

Every time I do the dishes Will pulls up a stool to kneel on and help. He is in charge of the sprayer tho. I tell him where to rinse and he does that part.

Jan 23, 2012

Same PJ's, Part 2

I love this sweet face Paisley does all the time. She has Kalyssa's baby pajamas on now.

I always thought Emmy looked more like Kalyssa than Paisley, but from the baby pictures I posted of Kalyssa on 1/11/12... Paisley looks like her much more than Emmy.

Jan 19, 2012

Jumping Beans

Emmy's 1st time in the jumper. I figure the twins are old enough to start jumping.

She's still a little short to be able to reach the toys, but she sure spins in circles a lot like a pivot. :)

Will came over and started twisting her up to give her a ride...

...then pats her on the head and says, "DONE!" so he can have a turn. I won't take her out so he runs in the living room and sits in the recliner and wants her on his lap. I get her out to give her to him and he runs to the free jumper for a turn! Smart little turd!

Will has a ball jumping and spinning to death.

And eats his lunch in it.

Paisley gets her 1st time in the jumper. She doesn't jump either but twirls around. 

Jan 19, 2012

1st Bubble Bath

Will loves to blow bubbles outside, so I put bubble bath in the tub today to see how he liked that.  

Playing with the bubbles kept him busy for a long time! He likes to sit in the baby tub while he plays in here too. He drives his tractors all over it.

Jan 18, 2012

New Baby!!!

My GREAT niece, Summer, was born today!!! Isn't she beautiful!!?

Samantha is a new Mom... I can't believe it. My Mom and Mary went with me to the hospital to visit Sam and I had to wait my turn to hold her (there wasn't two babies going around this time). Sam's due date was today. I don't know anybody who has had their baby on their actual due date. 

Sam & her husband Tony with baby Summer.

She is so cute and healthy.

Jan 17, 2012

Mycogen Conference

Mycogen is a corn seed producer that the dairy works with. Brandon is the Crop Manager, so Mycogen invited Brandon & I to attend one of their conferences held in Park City this year. We stayed in the Hyatt for a night, attended their classes, had dinner with everyone and met new people from all over Utah.

There was a huge outdoor Jacuzzi we could see from our widow and there was people in it constantly. It was 15 degrees outside. We would've join the crazy crowd, but not possible with the twins.

Paisley pushed so many bubbles... she was red in the face and formed a bubble go-tee!

Brandon and the twins watching TV in our hotel room. Mycogen offered to pay for spa treatments, but we brought the twins, so we passed on that. It was still a nice little getaway for me for sure!

Next weekend, Brandon and I have a Farm Bureau Convention in Heber City. Mitzi will stay the night at our house to tend all our kids... I can't wait to go!

Jan 16, 2012

Family Movie Night

My Mom got us Pure Country for Christmas. Its one of our favorite movies cause we love George Strait. The kids don't have school tomorrow, so we stayed up and watched it together.

Jan 15, 2012

Double Team

Kalyssa was playing the Wii and Emmy started crying nearby. Kalyssa picked her up and they played together. Kalyssa didn't do as well on her game with Emmy trying to grab the remote.

Jan 14, 2012

They're So Different!

Emmy is constantly coo-ing, squeeling, and trying to talk. She giggles and smiles a ton. She likes to sleep on her back, and has to fall asleep with a binky in her mouth. 

Paisley has to sleep on her stomach and hates binkies! She is busy pushing bubbles out between her lips with all her might! But she doesn't try to talk, she doesn't make a peep other than pushing bubbles a lot. Every time you look at her she'll give you a smile and look away. She is shy, or just a major flirt. :)

Jan 13, 2012

"Night Night Babies"

William wanted me to play trains with him this morning, so I laid the twins down in his bed. He ran over, tucked them in and said, "Night, night babies".

One kiss for Emmy...

...and one kiss for Paizzy.

Then he pushed me out the door and closed it behind us.

Jan 12, 2012

Sheep Pants

The twins are getting so big! Paisley has more rolls than Emmy, but they weigh the same.

Brandon calls these fuzzy white pants I got them from Old Navy their "sheep pants". They do look woolly after I washed them. haha.

Jan 12, 2012

Same PJ's

Emmy is wearing Kalyssa's pj's from when she was a baby. Emmy is 4 1/2 months old here.
And she is in Kalyssa's same crib too. What? Almost 8 years later... :)

Here is baby Kalyssa in the same pj's. She was 3 1/2 months old in this photo. 

Taken June 1st, 2004.

Jan 11, 2012

Water Hose Burst!

I was sitting on the couch with William & Paisley this morning when I suddenly heard water spraying from the kitchen! I hurried in there and saw a waterfall coming out these cupboard doors. Water was going EVERYWHERE and fast! I opened the doors and saw a ton of spraying water but wasn't sure exactly where it was coming from cause there was too much water to tell. The water was scalding hot so I couldn't stand in it for longer than 10 seconds with my socks on, and I had Paisley in my arms still. The dishwasher was running so I opened the door hoping it would stop the water flow, but it didn't. I called Brandon and he didn't answer. So I called him right back, when he picked up I said, "Something broke! Water is spraying everywhere! Come home now!" I put on Brandon's rubber boots, plopped Paisley on the couch, grabbed towels from the dirty laundry, and ran over to see if I could get the water stopped. Five minutes after it all started I got it shut off. The hose going to the dishwasher had broke off from the water valve under the sink. I covered my hand with a towel (cause the water would burn me) and turned the valve till the water shut off. Whew!

In the middle of the madness, Will stood back in the mud room watching me panic and run around and make a frantic call to Brandon... he got scared and was starting to cry. I told him to stay where he was... and he was such a good boy... but was confused, I could tell. When I got the water shut off I went over to him and showed him all the water on the floor and what a mess we had to clean up. 

I put his rubber boots on and he marched around in it with me. There was an inch of water everywhere, or better. It went under the stove and fridge... worked its way to the wood floor by my living room and started to saturate my carpet, and water went halfway down the hall (which is all wood floor also!)...

I got half of it soaked up now...

I called Brandon back to tell him I got the water shut off, assuming he had called one of our plumber neighbors to come over right away. And he did... Clay got here to check on us. I started soaking up the water with towels on the wood floors first. William grabbed this little rag from the bathroom closet to help. He's so cute!

This is where I put Paisley in a haste. She ended up laying on a pile of laundry I had waiting for me on the couch. Haha. She is such a good baby and just coo-ed to herself the whole time. Emmy was asleep in her crib.

These are Brandon's rubber boots that where nearby during the emergency... they came in handy! :) But Ouch! After I took them off with my wet socks, I realized the bottoms of my feet are soar! They got a little burnt from standing in the scalding water at first.

Brandon checked on me, and said a plumber from Sears will be here around 3 o'clock to check it all out and replace old parts we have. I'm so glad I was home and not busy at the moment that happened. So many times I've turned the dishwasher on and gone to bed!

Jan 11, 2012


Willie astands on the dryer so he can get into the cupboard that has some tools in it. While he found this measuring tape to play with, he saw Brandon's trucker glasses and put them on.

Brandon has had these for way too long and needs to get rid of them asap! But he won't, he thinks they're cool.

Every time I have done the dishes this week Will fills up the utensil basket with his fridge magnet letters. I have no idea why.

Our sweet Emmy Lou Doo!

Jan 10, 2012

Fat Cats

Emmy, Abbee and Kalyssa
The Nielsen's gave us a gift card to Fat Cats for Christmas! We took all our kids bowling tonight for Family Home Evening. We passed around the twins as we all took our turns bowling. :)

Will lost interest in bowling when he had to wait for his turn, so I got him a treat.

He was so excited when it was his turn. He'd jump up and down as his ball rolled down the lane.

So! Just like last year... Mama wins with 129 and Brandon has 75... just sayin! haha. The lady spelled all our names wrong... we were Baile, Abbie, Culissa, and Jed! 

The first thing Will wanted to do in the arcade.

Abbee and Kalyssa played Ski Ball while I lugged around the twins in their car seats. I forgot their stroller. We gave each kid about 7 or 8 dollars in tokens and they all scattered to play games and win tickets.

Brandon was in charge of chasing Willie around. His favorite games are the driving ones.

Like father, like son... they gravitate to the same types of games. I couldn't catch Baylee carrying around the twins. They all won a ton of tickets and got fun toys and candy at the ticket counter. 
It was such a fun family night! Thank you, thank you to the Nielsens!

Jan 9, 2012