Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Ear Tubes :(

Poor Will has had 5 ear infections in the last 3 months... just one after another! He was sent to the ENT, Dr. Bikhazi, and he said Will should definitely have tubes, so we scheduled his surgery for Friday at Ogden Regional Hospital. We had to be there at 6:30 am... whew, that's early! I got him undressed and put the cutest little hospital gown on him. I thought he looked adorable, but there was no way he was gonna let me get a picture. He was crying being very tired and hungry before the surgery. They brought him back to give him anaesthesia and the tubes... I was in the waiting room for literally 8 minutes, then Dr. Bikhazi comes out to tell me everything went great and to meet William in the Pediatric Unit in 20 minutes.

The nurses brought him back to me in his hospital room. They said when he woke up he was fighting them, so they couldn't check his vital signs. They let me hold him to calm him down for awhile, then tried later. I put his pajamas back on and gave him some juice to try to get him to relax. They said it's normal for kids to cry for a good half hour after waking up from anaesthesia. He is not happy! :(
We were at the hospital about 3 hours total. William and I went home and both took a 3 hour nap! Oh, I hope he can feel like a normal happy boy now without those dang infections.

Mar 4, 2011