Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Feeding the Sheep

Kalyssa is learning how to put a halter on her lamb. She has to climb over it while he's eating since he is still jumpy around people. 

Paisley loves visiting the sheep.

There is 4 lambs in our friend's barn that is on her 4-H team this year. The sheep need to be fed and watered twice a day. The other kids on her team are busy today, so we fed all the lambs this morning and walked 2 of them. But most of the time, the 3 girls meet at the barn at the same time to feed and walk their lambs together. 

Kalyssa is much more comfortable with her lamb now and isn't scared to get close to him to pose for a picture. She has the most mellow lamb out of the bunch, which is great cause it's her first year.

Kalyssa and I were busy with the lambs, and every time I turned my back Paisley was playing in the water bucket. I just caught her with one whole leg in it!

Jul 3, 2013