Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Mini Party for Abbee

Lana and her family can't make it to Abbee's birthday party we're having tomorrow night, so she invited us over tonight for a mini party with her. I dropped off the kids at Lana's while Kalyssa and I went to work the sheep at the barn. Brandon and the guys were all gone to dinner for Kole's bachelor party. I sent my camera with Baylee to take some pictures at Abbee's fun mini party...

 Lana gave the kids cup cakes and ice cream.

This is one of Willie's favorite things to do at Lana's house. He knows right where her toy trucks are. :)

Shannon, Katie and Harper are here for the party too.

The twins are pushing each other around.

Abbee got a white board for her birthday from Lana and her family. She will have fun playing school and church with this for sure!
Thank you Lana... the kids reported they had fun! :)

Jul 15, 2013