Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Happy 10th Birthday!

Kalyssa is 10 years old today, and she is gorgeous! 
She cut eight inches off her hair two days ago for a new look, and we went shopping. She got a couple pairs of boots, leggings, and jewelry. We're having a combined birthday party on Sunday for her and Baylee, and the family will come over to celebrate with us!

Me, Will, Paisley and Emmy went to Kalyssa's classroom today to drop off some treats for her to share with her classmates. They were out at recess so we left them on her desk to surprise her when she got back. I left birthday balloons and candy too.

Happy Birthday Kalyssa!

Feb 20, 2014