Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy


Every year around Halloween, Lana has us all over for a special Family Home Evening. She made us yummy homemade chili and bread sticks. We about ate the whole pot! We made caramel apples and sugar cookies afterward. 

Ryder looks SO cute in his Halloween leggins! lol... the boys gave Missy a hard time about them... they said Ryder had tights on. They're just jealous and wish they had some too! Haha.
Mythanne chopped up candy to roll our caramel apples in.... Mmmm. :)

Brandon and Will chillin on the couch.

Cookie time!!!
When Kent starts rolling out the dough, Abbee is always right there to help cut them out. I remember she loved this part last year too.
Brandon is dipping my apple for me... isn't he nice?!

I wanted mine rolled in chopped Reeses Cups, my absolute favorite.

I tried to chop a Snickers bar for Brandon to roll his apple in... the caramel just stuck to the blades and the idea didn't work at all. :(

Kalyssa and Abbee are still cutting all the cookies out in fun Halloween shapes. Kalyssa got flour on her face and half way up her arms.

Haha!!! I love Kent's smile here... reminds me of the cheesy smiles the girls give me when they don't want their pictures taken.
Baylee is decorating her cat cookie with M&M's.

Mythanne jumps in for a picture with the girls!

Brandon and the girls start frosting cookies.
Our apples are in the middle of the table, and the candy on them had slid off. Haha, but wow, they were still so good.

William wanted to help, and instead helps himself to the candy corn and M&M's on the table.

Will's mouth is full of candy.

Shannon & Shawn
Shawn was so funny... he'd frost a cookie and then eat it, frost another and then eat it... the only cookies they took home were the ones Shannon frosted.

Kole, Lana, and Baylee

This time she has frosting all over her. She wouldn't make faces with the candy like everyone else, she'd just make rows on them until they were completely covered. Haha... so cute.

Mmm... our candy apples were sooo good!!!

Oct 25, 2010