Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Family Bike Ride

We went for a family bike ride on the Ogden River Parkway.

We don't have the part we need to hook the trailer on a bike, so I pushed the twins rollerblading. :)

We stopped at the pond to let the twins get out and run around... and to eat Skittles. ;o)

Will gave us a good scare! He was going down a little hill on the trail and started to tip over and hit his face on a tree as he fell!!!  Man, it really scared us. He is a tough kid and handled it well. He cried for a few minutes and let us clean it up. When Brandon asked him if he wanted to go home and relax he said, "No. Go Fast. Go Fast."  He got back on his bike and had fun again. Brandon stayed by his side and made sure he was using his breaks on the hills, and was going slow. Will was really careful after that and did very well. We got him a helmet last week and forgot to bring it. We felt so bad. If he was wearing a helmet he wouldn't be nearly this banged up. Lesson learned. :o/

Then at the end of our ride, Kalyssa's wheel got caught on something that was stuck in the dirt and fell off her bike. Her knee got scrapped up.

The kids threw rocks in the river while Brandon loaded our bikes in the truck.

Apr 7, 2013