Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Gingerbread Houses

Grandma MaryAnn is so sweet! Every year she makes a finger food dinner and gingerbread houses for the kids. And they love it!!!

They're pretty excited to get started...

 I made William's gingerbread house for him. He's home sick and I'm so sad! It would've been his first year making his own house, but didn't get to. I made sure to pile on stuff he'd like to eat. :)

Last night he stayed up till 3am fussing and was very uncomfortable. I took him to see the doctor today and it turns out he has an ear infection in both ears, a sore throat, cough and runny nose. Our poor boy has it all right now, and is at high risk for getting RSV again, so he stayed home with Dad. :(

 Chad tried to eat a piece of his house and a big chunk came off. He said it's the garage now.

 ...about half way done.

Chase didn't want his picture taken. He's funny, cause he's one of the most out going kids I know! He brought a "friend" with him to the party.

It's cool the older kids still love this. And James is definitely a big kid when it comes to gingerbread houses.

Kalyssa is all done!

Abbee too! She made a spider out of pretzels for me cause she knows I hate spiders. lol... lil' stinker! It's on the "back yard" side of her house.

Ashley made this house in memory of her dear Chelsea. It's so sweet.

Conner and Kenny are done with their houses.

Baylee was the last one done with her house... she added lots of detail.

William's house is done. I lined his with pretzel M&M's... those are for me! 

Chase & his "friend", Brock, Shaun, Chance, and Landon playing cards.

Kalyssa, Abbee and Baylee played Ping Pong...

Kenny and Conner got out Skip-Bo.

When I brought home Will's house, he was excited and ran over to see it. I was trying to get them all to smile... an M&M rolled off Will's roof... he picked it up and ate it as I snapped the picture. :)

He's studying the treats on his house and managed to chip off a little cookie.

Dec 6, 2010