Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Last Choir Concert at West Weber Elementary

Lately, they've been starting to pour the foundation for the new elementary school on the black top area outside. When school is out for the summer, they will tear it down and rebuild it in the same location. All the elementary kids will attend school at the old Wahlquist junior high next year, then return the following year to the new West Weber Elementary. It should be twice the size of the current {almost 100 year old} building.

Kalyssa and Abbee are singing tonight in the last choir concert of the year. It is the last performance in the building.

They are also having an open house of the school tonight. Lots of visitors are here talking pictures of it before it's torn down soon. Kalyssa is sitting on her desk in her classroom. She has attended this school since kindergarten.

Kalyssa, Will, Paisley and Emmy stand outside the school for a picture in front...

...and get a little crazy. :)

We'll miss this building.

Apr 16, 2014