Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Grandma Mitzi's House

Brandon's mother lives just over the Utah/Idaho border. We went there for dinner Sunday... Russ is turning 50.

William's 1st horse ride.
When Brandon put him on Dodger, Will was all smiles. I love that Mitzi has her apron on while watching the grand kids ride Dodger. haha

Hayden and Will ride together

The 3 little boys... Hayden, Cooper, and William

Grandma Mitzi got pumpkins for the kids to pick out.

Abbee, Baylee & Kalyssa watch the other horses.

Brandon's step-dad, Russ, ready to open his presents.

The girls wanted a fire in the backyard pit.
Oct 17, 2010