Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Happy Halloween

After church we got dressed up in our costumes one last time. Hallelujah!!! I'm so done with Halloween by now. lol. But Grandma MaryAnn is having a family Halloween Party with chili and bread sticks for dinner. I LOVE her homemade bread sticks and rolls! :)

Singer, Cowgirl, and Ladybug

I'm a Farmer's Wife with a missing tooth & Baylee is a Cowgirl.

This is Chance (11 yrs. old) in his Star Wars costume. Commanders carry Nerf guns! 

It was so funny, we watched him for 15 minutes while he put each piece on. He said it took him 11 months to make this himself. He's pretty clever AND ambitious!

Brandon tried to put his mullet wig on William, but Will won't wear such things. Good boy Will. :)

Brandon as himself at 16 (he used to have a mullet), Will, and Grandma MaryAnn. I think she is a witch, but she said she has a creepy nose that she didn't wear.

Will is tired and is hitting MaryAnn in the face... his new bad habit. :/

My men in the car... we're heading to Lana's to play cards.

Lana cut up an apple for Will, and he stuffed his mouth full of them!

lol. He's having a hard time chewing it all.

We had to laugh at Ryder and his crazy hair. He reminded me of Moe on the 3 stooges.

Abbee (top) & Kalyssa (bottom) sound asleep.

This is so gross, so don't look if you have a weak stomach! I made the picture small to minimize detail, but it's something we'll look back on and laugh, so I couldn't resist. The kids have ate WAY TOO MUCH CANDY!!! They have been in bed sleeping for over an hour, I heard one of them coughing so I peeked in to see which one might be coming down with a cold. First I noticed the bad smell, then I saw the vomit all over Kalyssa on the bottom bunk! Abbee had vomited on her while in her sleep! Kalyssa covers her head with her blanket every night... thank goodness! Cause it was right over her face. I have no idea how anyone could throw up while sleeping and not wake up... but leave it to our dear Abbee. :) So, it's 11:30 and we had to wake the girls, tell them what happened, and get them in the shower, strip their blankets and beds, mop the floor, and sterilize everything nearby! Whew...
Happy Halloween!
Oct 31, 2010