Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Halloween Costume Parade at the School

Kalyssa is an 80's girl for Halloween this year.

We're in the hall waiting for the costume parade to start.

When Kalyssa's class walked by us, she grabbed Will to finish walking in the parade with her. I never did see Abbee walk by. She must have had a wig on, so I missed her... but then again, I missed Kalyssa go by too. She had to yell at me to get my attention. LOL. I had two kids on my lap, give me a break. :o))-

We went back to the classroom afterwards to say goodbye. We visited Abbee in her class too, but she already took her costume off. The school won't let them wear the costumes all day.

Paisley and Emmy are M&M's this year... with cowboy boots.

Oct 31, 2013