Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Letters To Jesus

I was reading in the December Ensign last week about the Christmas traditions of the members of the Seventy. One of them has the tradition of writing letters to the Savior and putting them on the Christmas tree as a gift to give Him. I thought, what would I say if I wrote a letter to the Savior? My life has changed dramatically in a few short years because of Him. I have my Savior to thank for everything!
For FHE we all wrote our own letters to Jesus and hung them on the tree as our gift to Him. We also wrote in our letters something each of us will do for someone else.

William scribbles a picture for Jesus on his letter.

I helped the girls with ideas they could include in their letters, and helped with how to spell hard words they wanted to say. We kept our letters to ourselves so they'd be personal and just for the Savior. They all tried hard and I'm so proud of them.

 Then we hung them up...

Will hung his on a bottom branch... he's such a cutie pie! :)

Dec 20, 2010