Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Our Family Tradition

As a little girl, I remember one Christmas we drew names of the members in my family as a gift exchange. We had a $5 limit to spend for each other and I loved it! So the 1st year we were married, I thought it would be fun to do that with our newly blended family for a Family Home Evening. It has stuck for 3 Christmas' now, and has become one of our family traditions.

I wrote each of our names on milk caps (don't ask me why about the milk caps... lol) to use for the drawing. This year... Dad got Abbee, Mom got William, Baylee got Dad, Abbee got Kalyssa, Kalyssa got Baylee, and William got Mom. Then we went to Family Dollar with a $5 limit and broke into two teams for shopping. The kids get really giggly in the small store trying to hide what they picked out from the other team to keep it a surprise. We went in separate rooms when we got home to wrap our gifts and put them under the tree for Christmas!

Brandon always tries to summon one of the kids to comb his hair. Just so happens William really likes to brush hair! Baylee thought it was so funny, so Will ran over and tried to hit her with the brush, which made her laugh even harder.

We got the girls showered and ready for bed, and the cinnamon rolls were done... our favorite FHE treat.

Dec 13, 2010