Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Update on Paisley

She saw her pediatrician for a follow-up from her Urgent Care visit last night. Her doctor said he still isn't sure what it is that she has. It may not be Staph, but a couple of the Urgent Care doctors she's seen in the past think it was. Whatever it is, I hope this is the end of it. She didn't need another shot today, but he switched her meds to a different antibiotic and gave us eye drops for her twice a day. He's mostly concerned about her eye. If the infection spreads to the back of her eye lid it can cause eye damage. We need to take her in again on Thursday for a follow-up if she doesn't get worse in the meantime. Doctor also said she is contagious while she has a fever.

But she came home with a lot to say! She was babbling like crazy, like she usually does. She didn't want to eat yet, but her personality is back at least... and she wants to play. :)

Mar 19, 2013