Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Birthday Party

We are having cake and ice cream today to celebrate Kalyssa's & Baylee's birthday. 

"Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you..."

Blow out your candle...

Kalyssa turned 9 a month ago.

Baylee will be 12 this week.

All the girl's favorite ice cream is mint chocolate chip. :)

Nate and my cute niece's... Makayle and Avrie.

Paisley eating a St. Patrick's Day treat.

Brandon, his brother Jess & Kristin...

Lorenzo, Taylee, and Mom...

Tony, Sam & Summer...

Kalyssa opening her presents from family.

Kole and his cute girlfriend Kelly...

Mary, Me, Emmy, and Abbee...

Will is missing the party and taking his after church nap.

Lana and Paisley...

Emmy helps Baylee open her presents from family.

My cute niece, Summer, loves her glasses.

Mary & Avrie, Samantha & Summer, Me & Twins (Paisley and Emmy)

Mar 17, 2013