Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Hobo Dinners in Avon

It's Memorial Day weekend. Brandon didn't get any time off work except for Sunday of course. So we hurried and packed up some fast hobo dinners after church today. We wanted to go spend some time in the mountains. We usually have all 6 kids on Sundays, but not this time... just our 3 little ones.

We drove up to Avon cause we love it there. Paisley and Emmy like to sit in their little chairs.

Then they tried out the big chairs.

Willie wanted to hang out in the back of the truck.

Brandon turned on a Chris Ledoux CD and Will started dancing with the ketchup!

LOL... silly Willie.

We forgot the tongs, but he found a nice stick to turn our hobo dinners with. :)

Daddy is a monkey.

Will is in awe of his father. haha. Emmy thinks she can do it too.

Paisley is in "Daddy mode" where she just has to have him hold her no matter what! Our dinner was probably done cooking in the fire, but she would not let him put her down. And she didn't want me.

Whoa! Hold on Paisley!

LOL... the only place she could go was his back and hope that she held on tight.

Dinner is ready and I don't know how she hung on, but she did. Haha. 

The hobo dinners were very good! The twins really like cooked carrots. Weird... but that's good. They must take after their Dad. :) We ate and cleaned up to head over to the reservoir.

Me and the kids rode in the back cause it is a short ride... UNLESS you have Paisley screaming and rolling around having a tantrum... then it's a very long ride. It was bumpy... :) Me, Will, and Emmy liked it back there. I think Paisley still wanted her Daddy.

All was good when we hopped out of the truck. The kids love to throw rocks in the water.

Brandon found Paisley a big rock for her to throw...

...over she goes...

...plop. Yay!

What a stud.

The water was so calm. It was gorgeous.

Brandon always skips the rocks.

We caught Will and Emmy throwing rocks at these poor ducks. No! No!

Awe... enjoying the view together...

Will ran up the hill to the truck and was waving to us. :)

Will found a little toy car by the water. They are buckled in and we're heading home. 

Will agrees we had lots of fun.

May 26, 2013