Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Packin' The Pit

They are chopping the last 60 acres of corn today for Kelly. Brandon is packing his corn pit as the truck loads of corn come in.

I haven't taken any pictures of Brandon chopping corn this year, so I brought my camera with me when Paisley and I dropped off a plate of dinner to him.

Brandon got a huge smile the closer he got to Paisley at the end of the pit. He adores her. :)

Paisley and Nicole

Brandon gets out to say hi to Paisley.

Kelly, Nicole and their kids have been hanging out at the end of the pit watching Brandon pack it.

Brandon loves driving this new pit tractor that was bought this year. Its their biggest tractor.

We gave Brandon his plate of food and when I put Paisley in her car seat she started crying.... she wasn't ready to leave. I think she's gonna love the farm.

Oct 5, 2012