Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy


In the middle of the day... I noticed there was a BAT hanging out on my kitchen window!!! Omgosh! The only place I've ever seen one was at the zoo! lol. They are disgusting! I didn't know I was scared of bats until I had one on my house.

Luckily, Mary and Nate were on there way over to pick up my nieces. Nate grabbed a spoon out of the sink and started beating it threw the screen. One of my good spoons! I could've hurt him! There isn't enough bleach to make me eat with that spoon ever again. I threw it away... I know, I'm totally mental.

The bat just hissed at him and won't move... so he went outside and squirted it with the hose. It finally dropped to the ground and tried to crawl.

He got it on a stick and walked it away from the house. Makayla watched threw the window crying and yelling, "Come in the house Daddy!" It was so funny, she was so concerned that he was gonna get hurt.

I wouldn't let him put it on my lawn, so he put it on the lane and beat it to death with the stick. lol... such a dramatic ordeal for all us girls who watched.

July 6, 2011