Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy


Halloween is on a Monday this year, and that is a day that we have all 6 kids! I'm so excited! It's our 1st Halloween with all of us together.

William is a Hobo and looked adorable. But he didn't want his hat on at the moment. He painted his pumpkin and I hot glued the "W" with buttons.

All our kids in their costumes and with their pumpkins. :)

Paisley wore a "BOO" onesie with tights and her "BOO" booties. No costumes for the twins... I just wanted them to wear cute baby Halloween clothes. I painted her pumpkin pink and glued a "P" on it.

Emmy wore a romper that says "I want candy!" with her "BOO" booties. Her pumpkin is also pink with an "E" on it. It was fun painting all their pumpkins and gluing stuff on them this year.

A lady Kathy knows made these cute booties for the twins. I thought that was so nice of her, especially since she doesn't even know us.

We went to the church parking lot for the Trunk-Or-Treat. The weather was perfect! We almost didn't need a sweater, it was so warm, considering it was Halloween. I loaded the twins in the double stroller and walked Willie around to fill his bucket with candy. Our 3 older girls ran off with their friends to get their candy. The parking lot was about full on both sides of the church. Most of West Weber showed up. :)

Will was so cute walking around. He would grab a handful of candy out of every bowl... it was embarrassing. By the time we left, he learned to say "Thank you" to everyone who gave him candy and his bucket was overflowing! 

The trunk-or-treat lasted about an hour and the kids had plenty of candy, but we had to go visit a few houses still to trick-or-treat. First we went to Grandma MaryAnn's. I know she wants to see the kids.

Grandma gives out a whole candy bar on Halloween.

Will likes this dancing pumpkin she has. It's almost as tall as he is and Will didn't know what to think of it. If you walk in front of it, it'll dance, but he would pat it's head to make it move.

The kids jumped in the back while I drove to the next house.

We went to visit Lana. We come here so much Will thought we were staying and sat down to eat his candy.

Lana gives away whole candy bars too! We got a treat for Brandon... he was home sleeping cause he was up all night at work. Poor Brando! Lastly, we went around the block to Sharon's (Baylee & Abbee's other Grandma) so she could see the kids. We met her going down the road on her riding lawn mower. :)

Then we went home to check on Brandon to see if he got enough sleep to go to the Halloween Party with us...

Oct 31, 2011