Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

16 Weeks

Oh boy! My 5th month is just starting and I'm already huge. But I feel great! No more morning sickness, which was my biggest complaint, I have more energy and feel more like myself emotionally. Haha. The second trimester is always the best time for me during pregnancy. 

I wasn't expecting to get an ultrasound at this doctor appointment cause usually I only get 2 during my whole pregnancy. My doctor said she will give me an ultrasound every visit to better monitor their heartbeats since there is two... which is FINE with me! I was so excited to see them again!

She asked me if I wanted to know the sexes, so we checked... 

Baby "A" was positioned upside down and was turned so we couldn't check the sex.

Baby "B" was cooperating and Dr. Wood said not to hold her to it, but she thinks this one is a girl. :) My next ultrasound on May 4th is my major one that I will find out both sexes for sure. We're hoping for a boy and a girl, but whatever will be great. They both have perfectly healthy heartbeats and she had no concerns at this appointment.

Apr 4, 2011