Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

4 Weeks Old

 Introducing binkies to the twins. :)

 Nursing twins is hard! Especially when they are numbers 5 and 6 in the family. They were on only breast milk for the first two weeks, then half formula and half breast milk after that. Paisley is a pro... she'll suck on anything, but Emmy hates nursing. She wants everything in a bottle, so I've been pumping for her since she refuses to latch on. Life is so busy now... its hard to nurse and it hurts! I'm not liking the whole nursing thing. I'm slowly going to stop and only nurse when I have to from now on. They had the important colostrum they need... and after 2 nights of crying and feeling completely overwhelmed, I seriously need to do what works to keep me sane. So my logic (and justification so I don't feel too guilty) is that kids who are formula fed end up the same as kids who aren't... you can't even tell by looking at them! Why all the pressure to nurse? I think its wonderful, but not for my un-perfect world.

 Will is giving foot inspections today with his flash light...

...cute boy.

Sept 27, 2011