Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Jen's 31st Birthday

Mythanne made me a yummy birthday cake! So we went to Lana's for cake and ice cream.

 Lana had four #1 candles. She made a row of 3, and then 1 behind it... for 31 years... haha. Brandon took this picture and caught Willie picking his nose. :0/

 Ryder has birthday cake on his face.

 I got a gift card to Real Deals for some home decor, new running shoes, and a Cricut for crafting! I'm so excited! 

After we got home, Angela came over to see me and meet the twins for the first time. They will be 4 weeks old tomorrow... time is flying by!

Sept 25, 2011