Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Shay Died

William's poor little puppy died. We had her for only 1 month. Shay was turning into such a good little dog for us. We could take her to Lana's and Grandma's house down the street and she'd stay right next to us. She never would wonder off. Yesterday, we took her to Grandma Mary Ann's house and it was thunder and lightning outside. She was scared and hiding inside Grandma's garage. We took her home to our backyard, and this morning, Brandon found her dead in the road.. We figure she got spooked from the storm last night, and got out through our fence somehow and was hit by a car. We're so sad and surprised she got out. She always stayed close to our back door and never wondered far out into the yard to the fence lines. All the fences were closed, so she must have squeezed through somewhere. I broke the news to our girls before they got on the bus to school. They were all very somber and didn't say anything in response. I asked them if they were okay, and they all just nodded, yes. We said a little family prayer before they left and off they went to school. I was worried how their day would be. Turns out Kalyssa cried to her teacher and friends. :( And I feel bad for Will cause he doesn't understand any of it.

We're going to miss you Shay Shay...

Sept 12, 2011