Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Santa & Food

Jeremy (with slobber all over his sleeve) & Emmy-Lou-Doo

My humble morning pic with no make-up & cute Willie


We went to Willard Bay to drive through the Christmas lights and see Santa. I had the bright idea that if everyone sat in the back of the truck it would be more fun. But it was FREEZING for them and I felt so bad, cause me and Brandon were inside the cab with the twins perfectly warm. :o/ So sorry guys!

I took these as we drove by with no flash so it was blurry.

It was funny... Will was scared  and wouldn't go sit with Santa. So Santa held out a candy cane to him and he walked right up and sat on his lap. Now we know all it takes is a stranger to give him candy and he'll go to them!

Santa was a good sport and held both the twins for their first Christmas.

We took some family pictures...

...then a lady walked in and started singing opera to Santa... it was odd.

We went to Bella's Mexican Restaurant for dinner. Will & Makayla posed for the camera.

Mary, Nate & Taylee

Rhiannon & Jeremy

Brandon & Me

Sweet Paizzy

Jeremy & Paisley
We played Sequence at Mary's house after dinner.

We got home late, and Jer & Rhi wanted to get on the road to drive through the night back to Arizona. We'll miss them. They held and took care of the twins a ton! And it was a nice help for me. :)

Nov 26, 2011