Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Kids With A Camera

The girls played house and had the idea to act like they were at a portrait studio and used my camera to take the pictures of their "families". They chose my red table cloth as the backdrop and took turns using the camera. Baylee took some of the first photos, and as the professional photographer she was, she'd make comments like, "Oh, you have such a cute family" as they posed for her.


 Some are out of focus...

 Makayla and Abbee

Kalyssa, Makayla, and Abbee

 Makayla seems jolly...
This one is so sweet.

 Baylee and her baby

The photographer got the camera upside down.

 Makayla found her own camera in the toy box.

 The adorable self portraits...


Nov 7, 2010