Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Painting and Carving Pumpkins

Emmy is excited!

Brandon is cutting the tops off everyone's pumpkin.

Will has been sitting next to his pumpkins for the past 2 hours cause he can't wait to start!

He pulled the top off but he wouldn't clean the junk out.

Brandon is carving Paisley's pumpkin for her.

Each kid had 1 pumpkin to paint and 1 pumpkin to carve.

Abbee already painted her little pumpkin and is starting her big one.

Paisley's is done!

Baylee starts her second pumpkin too.

Abbee is saving her pumpkin seeds to cook them.

I drew triangle eyes on Will's pumpkin and he had a melt down and was sent to his bedroom. When he calmed down, he came back out and told me he wanted his pumpkin's eyes to be square shapes. He carved his whole pumpkin himself! It took him forever, but he loved it.

I cleaned and carved Emmy's pumpkin for her.

Emmy is ready to paint her little pumpkin.

The twins are at the pumpkin painting station. :)

Beautiful work Paizzy!

Emmy knows which color is blue. She kept asking for more blue paint.

When Emmy started to paint her arms, I made her clean up.

Will took a break from carving to start painting his little pumpkin.

Paisley started painting her belly.

Then she turned her brush on Will and was dotting his arm.

He got her back.

Brandon broke a carving knife then Baylee did. I borrowed the carving kit from my sister. I swear the only time something breaks is when its borrowed! But Mary won't mind the new carving kit she'll get back.

Abbee wanted her Dad to help carve out cool bats on hers.

Paisley is getting paint on her face now.

Baylee's is done, and has buck teeth.

Abbee's has two bats, a moon, and two stars on it... pretty cool!

Kalyssa's and Baylee's painted pumpkins. They used puff paints.

Abbee painted a BYU pumpkin and the twin's pumpkins are beautiful works of art too.

Kalyssa is done carving hers.

Willie is done painting and went back to finish carving the other eye on his big pumpkin... and ate his root beer float.

The older gals eat their floats too. Will used so many colors on his painted pumpkin, now it's grey. :)

Brandon put Paisley in the tub, and now the twins are wrestling each other.

Will just popped the mouth out of his pumpkin... its done!

Kalyssa's, Paisley's, and Emmy's

Bay's, Abbee's, and Will's.

We're ready for Halloween! 
What ya wanna bet our dog eats these jack-o-lanterns before Thursday?

Oct 28, 2013