Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Christmas Lights at Temple Square

The day after Thanksgiving, downtown Salt Lake has a lights ceremony at 5pm where the Christmas lights are turned on... including the lights at Temple Square. Most of my family went down to check it out...

First we ate at the Lion House Pantry. A restaurant on Temple Square that was Brigham Young's house. Brandon and I took our kids here last August... the food is really good so we suggested we all go there to eat since the rest of my family hasn't been there.

We took these 3 tables in the old Quilting room. My mom's face is funny here... haha.

Makayla, Kalyssa, & Taylee

Me, Mary & Nate, and Brandon with Will

Rhiannon took this picture of Jeremy eating a watermelon. :)

After we ate it was dark enough outside to enjoy the lights! Taylee & Makayla stopped under this cool hanging bush...

I took these pictures of the Salt Lake Temple...

As couples, we took turns in front of the temple taking pictures.

I have one of Jeremy & Rhiannon from their camera... but none of the other couples with us. :(

Rhiannon took this cool picture of the side of the temple.

I was so worried William wasn't warm enough... all the kids had on layers of clothes!

There was a bunch of these lights along the walkways...

Here's the gang of us with our hot chocolate, except my Mom and Lorenzo, they went inside the Joseph Smith Building to get our names on the list for the next movie.

 We went inside the South Visitors' Center to check out this new model of the temple. It's an exact replica of everything inside the Salt Lake temple.

I took a close up picture of the celestial room where Brandon and I sat while we waited to be sealed to each other. The room does look exactly like this model... it has amazing detail and is so beautiful.

Kalyssa, Makayla, and Taylee get close to see it all too...

This is inside the Joseph Smith Memorial Building.

Will and Rhiannon

All of us are inside the Legacy Theater to see Joseph Smith  The Prophet of the Restoration. A film about the life and legacy of Joseph Smith, the founding prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Brandon and I have seen this movie, but no one else in my family has... I'm so glad they all wanted to see it!

Not sure why Mary & Nate are making these faces, but I love it!

After the movie we walked by Brigham Young's house again where we ate dinner. This is the outside...

I love the garland along the fence... it was all real fruit.

His house was nicknamed The Beehive House.

Time to go home! ...and it started to snow. :)
Nov 26, 2010