Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Bishop's Night

I love moments like this, and I never want to forget. I add this to my blog not at all to boast, but so I can remember this awesome night. We had FHE about compassion and I told the story of Heber J. Grant. He was very poor and gave his new winter coat his mother had made him to another little boy his age who needed it more.
In our ward we have a goal to collect 30 toys for the D.I. Bishop's Night. It's where parents can go to get toys for their kids for Christmas who otherwise couldn't afford to give them any.
After FHE the girls all went to their rooms to find a gently used toy of theirs to give to another child for the Bishop's Night drive.
Abbee grabbed her football she got for her birthday last July. Brandon thought Will could give one of his nice tractors he also just got for his birthday in August. Baylee had an un-opened princess puzzle. Kalyssa gave her Barbie computer... she hesitated giving it away cause she, "still plays with it while she plays school" with her sisters. After I reminded her of Heber and his example, she said she definitely could give her computer to another little girl too.
Our Bishop is also collecting cash donations to help a family in need this year in our area. The girls gave tooth fairy money and other cash they had in their piggy banks to donate. It is so rewarding to see when your children grasp what you're trying to teach them, and to hear them pray for those families in their prayers.
Nov 15, 2010