Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Halloween Party

The kids were tired of wearing their costumes all day, so they changed out of them before the party at our neighbor's house. And Brandon said he was still too tired to get up... I don't blame him, but he will miss a very yummy dinner!

Jennifer sat next to the twins sleeping in their car seats in case she heard one make a peep, then she could get them out. Paisley woke up first and Jennifer was happy to get some baby time! 

Baylee and Conner color their glow-in-the-dark monster pictures.

Kalyssa and Abbee coloring too.

William starts to color his candy bag for the pinata later and decorates it with Halloween stickers.

Conner hits the pinata. They did the order from youngest to oldest. Will was first to bat, but I was inside and missed it. :(

Abbee thinks it's pretty funny to watch the other kids try to hit it with a blind fold on.

Kalyssa and the other kids making sticker animal puppets.

The girls playing Bingo. 
The kids had fun... they played Ghost in the Graveyard outside for awhile before we left. It was a school night, so we couldn't stay too late. 

Oct 31, 2011