Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Paisley in ER

The twins are 2 months old today. My friends, Tracey & Carrie, from our Ward stopped by the house to see the twins. As we talked I mentioned that Paisley had blood in her urine the other day... and it was just one time, but super noticeable. Tracey asked me if she has a bladder infection. Then it clicked! OMGosh! She DOES have a bladder infection, cause her urine has had a terrible odor for the last 10 days and she just hasn't been her normal smiling self. I didn't know babies could get those! Brandon stayed home with William & Emmy so I could take Paisley to the Urgent Care since it was late and a Saturday. The Urgent Care nurse said they don't have catheters that small and sent us to the ER.  :0/

We're waiting for the doctor. He wanted to take a urine sample with a catheter, and that part was quick and easy. But the doctor also wanted vials of blood to test for a possible blood infection and to check her white blood cell count... then things got ugly.

The first nurse poked one arm and couldn't get the needle in her vein, so she tried the other arm with no luck.  That nurse refused to try again and called in the "expert" nurse. She tried both arms too with no luck either. OMGosh! It was so sad. I was right next to her trying to comfort her, but she was screaming. Ew! I hate needles and how they feel! So I felt terrible they poked her so much, but I held it together for the most part. Then they tried 2 more veins on her head just below the surface of her skin. FINALLY, the 7th try, they got a vein, took the samples of blood and hooked up an IV to it in case the doctor wanted to give her medicine.

She did have a serious UTI, but no blood infection.

I took this with my phone camera and sent it to Brandon at home. 

Paisley is getting her medicine through the IV for 30 minutes. We left at midnight, and we both were so tired. I gave her Tylenol when we got home cause she was fussy and probably had a headache or something! We had to go back to the ER the next day for a follow-up with the ER doctor and for more meds. Luckily, the meds were oral this time. No more pokes!

Oct 29, 2011