Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Painting Pumpkins

Brandon has been busy with work lately and the kids have been anxious to carve their pumpkins. Brandon and I do most the work years past, and he's not around to help this time. So we are painting our pumpkins this year for the first time ever. This way everyone can do their own pumpkins and no one gets hurt.

Willie first experience painting... 

he was getting into it.

I drew the faces for the girls pumpkins and they got started painting.

After they finished I had to rush them to the showers, cause it was a school night.

William needed a bath too.

Oct 24, 2011

The next morning, Will had to paint some more on his cause he loved it so much.

This is his concentrating face. He added a gold color this time.

While the girls were at school, I had time to hot glue their extra pieces to complete their pumkins. They were excited to see them done when they got home.

Kalyssa made a cat, Abbee made an owl, and Baylee made a bat (with a top hat).
Will's and the twin's pumkins I'll have to finish later. :)

Oct 25, 2011