Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

I Panicked!

I hate that panic feeling when something I MUST have on a daily basis is gone. I get that feeling over 3 things that are superficial... the treadmill, cereal, and Coke Zero... can't live without 'em!

Well, its mid-morning, the twins are taking their first nap and its my time to exercise. I jumped on the treadmill and the special magnet key was GONE! I remembered Will played with it last on Saturday night. It could be anywhere! 2 minutes into tearing into his bedroom, he yells to me, "Mama, in there! In there!"

He points to this black hole on the side of the treadmill... and in this hole is another hole that goes all the way down the metal frame to the floor. If the bottom is solid, I'll never get it out!

I tipped the treadmill on its side and luckily there is a hole at the bottom.

I get a flash light and there it is!!! He was right! I never would've found it on my own. But the red magnet is stuck to the side metal wall.

Will helped me fish it out with a long wood stick. :)

"There is is!" Yeahy! Time to celebrate!
I felt like sitting him down and explaining - Will, if you want mommy to be a sane woman, don't lose her treadmill key. Haha. But he saved the day, so he got hugs and kisses instead.

Sept 24, 2012