Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy


Why am I naturally a better friend to others than I am a wife to my husband? Seriously! I'm less harsh and more loving during hard times to my friends than I am to my husband. It shouldn't be that way. With my friends its easy to be understanding, willing to listen, patient and forgiving. Maybe I had high expectations that if I was married in the temple I would have the perfect marriage. Haha... not so! We have to work at it like everyone else. The past few weeks I've learned that if I work on our "friendship" rather than our "marriage"... the marriage will eventually fix itself.
Brandon and I have learned this on a much deeper level lately, and wow, am I grateful! In our bedroom it says on our wall, "Happiness is being married to your best friend"...OK, now I truly get what that means. We have both fallen much deeper in love since we've grasped this concept.

I feel happiness... I feel at peace.