Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Fernie & Isamar's Special Day

Our friends, Fernando and Isamar, received their temple endowments today at the Brigham City Temple. 

Brandon works with Fernie at the dairy. He and Isamar were baptized in 2011. Fernando asked Brandon to baptize him, which was really cool.

LOL... Fernando was flexing his muscles for the camera, but I wasn't fast enough to catch it. We love these guys. We've gotten close to them over the past 3 years. Our Willie and their little boy are best friends.

Brandon & Me, Fernando & Isamar, Andrea & Ron
It's awesome seeing people we love make covenants with the Lord. I'm so happy they will have the blessings of the temple in their lives.

Ron was super nice and bought us all dinner at Maddox afterwards. We're glad we could share Fernando & Isamar's special day with them.

Jun 21, 2013