Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Tickle, Tickle

I was chasing Will around the house this morning after I gave him a bath. I love it when my boy is clean. 

I tackle him and kiss him all over... he squeals and laughs. I pretend to eat his ribs where it really tickles. He freaks out laughing and asks for more as he runs away again. 

He's so funny... this time he had a special request... "Eat me Mama and take a picture!" LOL.

He also calls this game cowboy kisses.... "I want cowboy kisses, Mama!" It doesn't take much to talk me into covering my kids with kisses. The twins usually want me to chase them too. Chasing all 3 of them is a good workout. :)

Jun 16, 2013