Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Visiting with Missy

Mythanne and Ryder are here visiting from Minnesota!

Will and Ryder haven't seen each other in a while, but the moment we got to Lana's they ran around together  and were the best of friends! They were shooting "animals" with their pretend guns.

Will found a bird feather. Ryder is holding his hand out cause he has a band-aid on it. Will got cut on his hand earlier and wanted a band-aid... so Ryder wanted a band-aid too, and is babying his hand. It was so funny. 
I was totally shocked to see that Ryder's shirt said "Only Child Expiring Jan. 2014". I am super excited for Missy and Jace. That is such awesome news and such a cute way to spread the news.

Will and Ryder are tip toeing in the garage to hunt for snakes. They're whispering, "Tip toe, tip toe." Haha.

I told them to march into the backyard where we can see them. Then they started walking around back saying, "march, march, march."

The boys riding around the basketball court on the RZR. I love this picture. :)

Emmy on the wiggle car.

Ryder and his uncles swinging together... awe so cute. What's even more cute, is Riley and Kole have matching outfits. LOL.

The twins wanted to swing with them too. :)

Missy is holding her new niece, Harper. And I can't get over how cute she is! 

Me, Kelle, Shannon, Missy, Harper, and Katie.

Ryder and Will played together until 11pm! They were sooo tired. Missy and Ryder are leaving early tomorrow morning. It's sad to say goodbye but they'll be back in July, which is awesome! :)

Jun 23, 2013