Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Show & Teach

The 4th grade students have to present a "Show & Teach" lesson to their class. The student teaches the class something they consider themselves to be an "expert" at. Baylee got 1st place with her lamb at the fair last year, so she chose to give her 15 minute presentation about lambs.

She showed the class her 2 blue ribbons and belt buckle she won. Then talked about sheep by-products and parts of the lamb.

She brought a bag of lamb feed to pass around the class and told what they eat.

She made this poster of her at the fair as part of her presentation too. Then she passed out a 5 question test at the end to determine if the class learned what she taught them well.
She did a wonderful job!!!
I'm so proud of her. She knew what she wanted in her presentation from the beginning, and came up with the test questions all on her own.
Way to go Bay!

May 19, 2011