Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

20 Weeks

Okay!!! I'm 20 weeks! Today I had my in depth ultrasound where they measure how the twins are growing, and how their organs are developing, AND we finally get to know the sexes!

Whoa Mama!

Baby "A"... It's a GIRL!

...and Baby "B", It's a GIRL too!

They're both 9 inches long... Baby A weighs 13oz, and Baby B weighs 14oz. Before today I've been really concerned about Baby B cause I've only felt her kick a couple of times and that was just last week. Baby A kicks me all the time! Dr said the placenta is infront of Baby B and is like a leather barrier between her and my belly, so I can't feel her move. I'm so relieved to hear that she is actually 1oz bigger than the "kicker" baby and both are perfectly healthy! Dr said I could be the poster child for making twins. We counted all 5 fingers and toes for each baby, measured each arm and leg, checked the umbilical cords and their bladders for nutrients... they're both developing exactly where they should be... to the day! Whew! Brandon and I are so relieved and feel so blessed.

How's Mama feeling? I weighed 168 today. I figure I better keep track of the good, the bad, and the ugly during this whole pregnancy. :) 7 more pounds gained since my last visit, 4 weeks ago... but who's counting??? I'm still able to exercise 6 days a week, so whatever happens I can say that I've done my part to be healthy and to stay in shape. The hot summer is about here, and I expect to swell up like a balloon just like I did with William, but X2! Some days I'm tired cause I'm having a hard time sleeping at night. I'm SUPER itchy all over, and restless at night. I get back pain if I do a lot of house work throughout the day. But other than that, I feel pretty good. :)

Now what are we going to name these 2 girls???

May 4, 2011