Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Jackpot in Morgan, UT

Baylee and a few other girls in her 4-H club keep the lambs cool with wet towels.

Baylee has her new lamb for this year. She named him Buddy. It's her 2nd year showing a lamb and she is participating in Jackpots throughout the summer where she pays a fee and competes with her lamb against all the other kids that show up. Just like the fair, there is weight classes, and showmanship competitions.
The judge is checking her lamb in this picture.

Bay got 2nd place in her class, and 4th place overall. Then she got 3rd in Showmanship. She was just one place shy of winning some money, but these jackpots are such good practice leading up to the fair in August.

Jun 4, 2011