Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Angela is Moving

OMGosh... OK... I am SO sad! Jake, Ang, and little Zeke are moving to Kansas on Tuesday. I went  down to Salt Lake today to take a few pictures and say goodbye. Jake has a great job lined up for him there starting on Wednesday, and they are moving there to stay... for a long time! Like, they will be buying a house there and be settling down to stay. Ang and I have always been very close, so this goodbye is very hard to say the least.

I love this sweet little boy! Could he be any more cute?!

Uh, Will? That is not a good idea Dear.

Ang and Me... when will I get to see my sister again???

I brought Will and the Twins with me cause I'm not sure I have a picture of these four together. This will be one of those classic pictures... the one of you and your cousin when you guys were super little. They can all look back on this one and laugh.

Haha... every time Emmy makes this face, it kills me... I had that same "duh" look on my face in all my pictures of me when I was two years old too. She is a spitting image of her Mama!

Zeke is done with our photo shoot! :)

He is walking and starting to talk. I am so sad thinking of all the milestones I am going to miss with him. I don't travel much, so who knows when I'll get to see them again. I think that is the hardest part... not knowing when I'll see them next. This was such a hard goodbye. I totally cried. I never used to be like that. I am turning into such a boob the older I get! Or maybe I'm just much more aware of how important your family is, and of course, you want every one of them close by.
I'm going to miss you guys so much! Thank goodness for Skype!

Oct 11,2013