Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Riding in the Chopper

Ron (the boss) is always running the chopper, but he took the day off, so Brandon gets the job and Will finally gets to ride in the chopper with his Dad. The chopper is the biggest machine at the barn. The tires are taller than me.

They have been in the chopper all day. I brought them both some dinner to eat while they work. Brandon said Will has been kinda dozing off tired, and when he asks Will if they should call Mama, he quickly answers NO. He's afraid I'll come pick him up. So when Brandon called me to bring them food Will wasn't happy. Haha. He got to stay with Dad in the chopper until Brandon was done for the day... but it was a really long day I know Willie didn't want to end.

Oct 10, 2013