Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Happy Birthday William

We've been busy wrapping up the fair all day, and Will had a good time at the carnival the other day, but we wanted to take him out for ice cream on his actual birthday to celebrate HIS day for a bit. We went to Farr's  Ice Cream parlor. Brandon and Willie got rainbow sherbet. 

Brandon was sharing his sherbet with the twins. Emmy loved it, of course... she loves almost everything you give her. Paisley was swatting at the spoon and wouldn't try it. She must still remember the cotton candy we tried giving her a couple days ago.

Emmy thought it was cold but wanted more.

We gave Paisley the sugar cone to eat. :)

We're having a combined birthday party for Will and the twins soon...

We love our birthday boy!
Happy 3rd Birthday William!

Aug 11, 2012