Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Ear Piercing

I've wanted to pierce the twins ears for awhile now. I have Brandon's full support, but I decided to wait until they are 1 years old and their birthday is in 2 weeks. 

Paisley is first... this looks so much worse with the huge mosquito bites she has on her cheek already.

The lady was just marking her ears and she was upset...

...this shouldn't have been the hard part. :)

She's done, and I didn't have to hold her down. I hurried and gave her a bottle right after and she drank it, but started crying again.

Look Paisley! You're so pretty!

Sorry about the drool here, but they had the cutest little fireball earrings! They are little balls with tiny diamonds all over. I love them over the traditional studs or daisy earrings you always see on kids.

Emmy's turn!

She is just happy as can be with her sucker... for now... until we tried to mark her ears.

Ah!!! I hate this picture... its heartbreaking. I did have to hold Emmy down on her second ear. I've had to hold my kids down enough at the doctors in the past that I made it through, but I still hate it.

She didn't want her bottle after... she was too upset.

Just holding her and getting out of that chair calmed her down pretty quick. Both of them were totally fine and playing in a few minutes. Baylee and Abbee went with me and helped me with the twins and Will. They were life savers!

Aug 14, 2012