Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Carnival At The Fair

William's birthday is this Saturday. That is the day of the Livestock Auction and we'll be too busy with that to celebrate his birthday. So Brandon and I are taking him to the carnival at the fair tonight for some early birthday fun!

Both the twins have their blankets in their mouths chewing on them and talking loudly on the ride there.

Will is kickin back, watching a movie, and has no idea he is about to go on rides for the first time. :)

He picked this airplane ride first.

Once it started going in circles he loved it! When he pushed the button the airplane would jerk up and down. He didn't understand that if he would hold the button in, the airplane would go all the way up. Hopefully he figures it out!

He liked this boat ride and dinged the bell a few times.

There was 3 different bounce houses. Willie played on all 3 and ran from one to the other... over and over for 30 minutes.

He made friends with whoever joined him.

Brandon sat on the bench and was feeding the girls Cheerios. :)

We bought Willie a wrist band so he had unlimited access to all the kids rides and bounce houses for the evening.

Brandon and I hung out and watched Will run between bounce houses. We had lemonaid and a caramel apple.... it was so delicious! We got Willie some cotton candy...

Emmy loved it and wanted more...

Paisley would stick her tongue out to spit it out every time...

I finally got Will out of the bounce houses to try his treat... he hated it too! And spit it out... he wouldn't touch it again. I guess the texture of cotton candy is too weird. lol.

He thought this little roller coaster was really fun. It was a pretty jerky ride, but Will has no fear and it just made it more fun.

He got his airplane half way up this time.

Brandon growling at Emmy.

He got curious about the water this time around...

Paisley was doing great just hanging out. Emmy was really good too while Will played.

It was almost 11pm and the carnival was starting to close down. A nice guy gave us his left over tickets, so I went on this ride with Will. He is too short to ride by himself, but if I rode with him it was okay. I love this ride.

Will ran back over to the airplane ride and they let him go one last time. He made it to the top! :)

Aug 9, 2012