Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Ryder's 2nd Birthday

Ryder's birthday is really July 24th... Jace & Mythanne live in Minnesota, and just got here to visit all the family in Utah for the next 2 weeks!!! The party started once they walked through the door...

Ryder loved blowing the paper noisemaker... he snatched that and didn't notice his presents.

Ryder and the kids blew the noisemakers and party horns for awhile. Will pointed to Ryder's presents and said, "Christmas!"

Ryder loves Paisley... he grabbed her for a hug and she was worried. haha.

Lana is in heaven!

He got awesome new boots, wranglers, and shirts... 
Ryder is set to go to work with his Dad on the ranch in Minnesota. He knows he's a Cowboy! It's so cute when he says it.

Will started digging in Ryder's birthday bags... amazed at everything he saw. He'd pull the items out one by one and hand them to Ryder all excited.

lol... I don't know who's more cute... Ryder or Lana! 
Ryder loves sheep! A tractor set he got came with little sheep and he started jumping up and down and clapping like crazy. It was the best thing ever!

After he half way calmed down, he gave Lana and Shannon kisses to celebrate.

The sheep and tractors was all he needed. He still had more presents but had to play with these for awhile first.

Paisley and Brandon are relaxing together. :)

Emmy really liked this party hat.

I think Ryder blew the match out before the #2 was lit. 

He stuck his finger in each frosting balloon to taste them all.

I guess when you're 2, you now use a fork to eat your cake :)

Mythanne always notices when the camera is on her and smiles on que... haha... I love it.

Shannon ran Ryder around in the doll stroller to chase Willie... he was taking off!

They were squealing and having the best time running in circles around Grandma Mary Ann's kitchen.

Missy and Jace snatched the twins. 
They said they were taking them for the night, but no such luck for us. ;0)

Happy Belated Birthday Ryder!

Aug 5, 2012